Meet Kristy

My name is Kristy. I had my first mammogram when I was 35 years old. My mom was a breast cancer survivor and I was grateful that I could get a baseline mammogram. I learned I had dense breast tissue, but that I would not need another mammogram until I turned 40. One month after my 41st was Valentine's Day...I went in for my now yearly mammogram. I thought Valentine's Day would be a great day to give the "girls" some extra love! Three days later, I received a call saying I needed to come back for more images. Three days after that, I was back at the imaging center for more smooshing and squeezing. I was told the radiologist wanted to speak with me because he found a "suspicious" spot in my left breast. A biopsy was scheduled for the next day. I was shaking. I was crying. I could not breathe.
On February 27, 2018, at age 41, three and a half months after my mom died from MBC (she had been in remission for about 15 years), I was diagnosed with Stage 1 Breast Cancer. I was devastated, but I also felt my mom was right next to me. I believe she helped the radiologist find my tumor at such an early stage. I underwent chemotherapy, a bilateral mastectomy, reconstruction, and an oophorectomy. I continued to be the best wife, mother, teacher, daughter, sister, and friend I could possibly be.
I learned about Project Pink'd in October 2018. I knew right away I needed to get involved with this amazing organization; I wanted to be a THRIVER, not just a Survivor. The Dare to Thrive retreat has allowed me to connect with a group of women who are more amazing than words can describe. These ladies understand me. We are able to share our journeys. We cry together. We laugh together. We are Pink'd Sisters for life. I am so excited to be an Ambassador for Project Pink'd and help future Breast Cancer Thrivers!