Meet Lisa W.

August 18th, 2017 A Day forever burned into my mind and the raw emotion I still feel at hearing the words, "You Have Breast Cancer". At age 54, with no family history of BC, I really never considered this diagnosis as a possibility. My family medical history revolved around cardiac issues and Alzheimer's. Also, my husband 19 years earlier had his own cancer diagnosis, a rare form of NHL where he underwent a truly rigorous battle and had a Bone Marrow Transplant. The treatment nearly took his life. So 19 years to the day of his diagnosis, I am at the same medical center being hooked up to my first round of chemo. Tears running down my face at how unfair this seemed. Today I stand before you with my treatment behind me and yet, I am never going to be the same again. Breast Cancer left me a shell of myself and I really want to feel whole again and live the rest of my time on this earth with great purpose. In 2018 I applied for the Dare to Thrive but was sadly not chosen. However, in 2019 I applied again and was selected. I know now that the timing was not right the first time and my heart, mind, and soul were more open to the transformation the second time. My sisterhood lies with every individual that faces this diagnosis, but the connection that is happening with the other 19 chosen ladies is nothing short of remarkable. These relationships have also helped me through this pandemic we're in. Our Dare to Thrive has been different than previous years because we're doing everything on a virtual basis, but I know each of us can't wait to share this journey sitting together in the same room - Living - Laughing - Crying and Sharing. What I know is Dare to Thrive is my catalyst, and I feel so very lucky to be a part of it.