It’s November 2012 and I’m 39, a wife, mom, friend, living life and I just landed my dream position in July. I was working my tail off to prove myself worthy of the promotion. So, taking time off for a doctor’s appointment was usually an inconvenience.
I went to my annual gyno appointment and my doctor (a fellow survivor) once again encouraged me to get my first mammogram. In previous years I ignored her suggestion - after all, I didn’t have a family history of breast cancer and I wasn’t 40. Plus who has time for that?
This time was different. At the office was a mobile mammogram and I knew that if I didn’t do it then, I would leave the office for another year. So I took the convenience and went to the mammogram machine on wheels - basically a camper in the parking lot to get my boobs squished. Brilliant! Bring the boob smusher to busy women! When I left I went on with life. No fear, no worries, and not another thought until I got the notice to schedule an ultrasound.
During the ultrasound, the radiologist was very optimistic, but he decided to do a biopsy “just in case” and told me I would have the results in a couple of days. I went on with my busy life. Once again, I wasn’t worried until days went by and I didn’t get a call. I called the office and they didn’t have my results yet. Few more days and still no results. What? Now I’m getting nervous. Called again and they said the doctor would give me a callback. I waited all day and no call.
I got home that evening and there was a message on our answering machine (remember them - back in 2012…) - I had just missed the call and the office was closed. Ugh so frustrated, why didn’t he call my cell? At that point in my heart, I knew they found something. BUT that evening I wasn’t going to think about it. I had won tickets to see Scotty McCreery that same morning and was excited to surprise my then 7-year-old daughter to see her favorite idol that night.
The night was something we talk about to this day and the funny thing is she has seen him in concert five times. The concert was in a small venue and he was there as part of giving back to military troops and their families. We were thrilled when she got to meet him backstage. We got home about 10 p.m. and when I walked in my husband told me my gyno doctor called and gave me her personal number to call her. CRAP! I knew. I called and she told me the news. Breast cancer and she wanted to see me the next morning. Double crap!
I got off the phone, Ryan looked at me and I nodded. He started to get upset, and I told him not now. I didn’t want our daughter to see us upset and it was 10 p.m. and our 7-year-old needed to get to bed. Always a mom first. Honestly, after I got the call the rest of the evening was a blur, and looking back I believe it was a God thing I won those tickets that morning. I needed to have that moment with my daughter.