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Physical Address
11405 Davenport Street
Omaha, NE 68154
Mailing Address
4089 S. 84th Street, #108
Omaha, NE 68127

11405 Davenport Street, Omaha, NE 68154

Helping Survivors THRIVE!

Survivors 56 and older

Joanne's Journey

Our family strength

First, I love my Project Pink'd family and all the support we provide each other!

My life-changing journey started in July of 2017 when my daughters got the call to be foster parents, they had two young brothers in the hospital that needed placement. The girls picked them up and ended up adopting them once their Bio parents so gave up rights. Fast forward to July of 2019 after almost spending two years in the hospital with the youngest son, Mason for heart issues, he received a new heart on July 7, 2019. He was doing really well and getting ready to come home at the end of July. The family was celebrating his new health and not having to live in the hospital anymore. Then came my diagnosis, at the end of July is when I found a lump in my breast, and August 6, 2019, we learned I had Triple Negative BC, Stage 2, Grade 3.

The first thing we said as a family is how are we going to survive another major illness together. The thought of Triple-Negative survival at the time was very gloomy and sad for us. Not only have we survived, but we have also become the strongest family and learned nothing will take us down and we will continue to fight no matter what is thrown our way.
Mason was in and out of the hospital ALOT during my cancer journey. Before cancer, I would take turns spending the night with him in the hospital and helping my daughters. It was really hard for me to not help my family and for my daughter to not be there with me because she had to be with her son. We thought we were going to lose him in February 2020 and I couldn't come up to the hospital because I had the radiation clip in me that they insert before surgery. That was a really hard day, praise the lord Mason once again prevailed and he is doing so great now. We are both healthy and living our best life every day.

I hope everyone can meet Mason someday, he is an incredible young boy who loves life. He is one of the many reasons I fought this battle so hard and continue to make myself a better person so I can watch him grow up.

More to come regarding the other 3 children :-)

Project Pink'd
Physical Address
11405 Davenport Street
Omaha, NE 68154
Mailing Address
4089 S. 84th Street, #108
Omaha, NE 68127

11405 Davenport Street, Omaha, NE 68154