Bold & Brave Conversations | A Partner's Perspective

Raw. Emotional. Heartfelt. Project Pink'd is here to have those Bold & Brave Conversations: From Diagnosis to End of Life. Our panelists are here to provide you and your loved ones the guidance you deserve, the answers you need, and the direction to get you started.
It doesn't get any more real than a partner opening their heart to have a candid, casual conversation about the realities of navigating life as their loved one lives with advanced breast cancer.
During our next complimentary, live webcast, we'll experience the cancer journey through the eyes of a partner as we welcome our guest co-survivors, Dave Sturgeon and Brad Kregg, and guest expert Dr. Clay Hoberman.
This featured conversation will focus on:
What I wish I would have known
Advice to a fellow partner
How to have difficult conversations with loved ones (including children)